WWBA Assembly 2024: Partners
Thanks for your interest in partnering with us to make the 2024 WWBA Assembly a success! 

Please share more about your organisation, your goals, why you're passionate about supporting the growth of women leaders in tech, business and venture, and any ideas you have about how we can work together.
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What is your name? *
What is your organisation? *
What is your work email? *
Why are you interested in partnering with WWBA? *
What are you hoping to get out of the 2024 Assembly? *
Do you have an idea of how you would like to work with us?

For reference, past partners have hosted panels and workshops, led keynotes, hosted curated dinners or breakfasts, sat on our investor panel, supported with founder selection for our early stage showcase, helped cover costs to fly in founders from other markets, provided in-kind support such as drinks, printing, food and more. We're open to your creativity and ideas!
Do you have a rough budget in mind? *
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