Women Techmakers Membership Feedback

We are inviting you to give feedback on Women Techmakers Membership Program! This is your chance to influence the future of our program.

Thank you for giving us your anonymous feedback, so we can make our Program better for you. If you have any questions, please reach out to wtmmembership@google.com.

Thank you from the WTM Team❤️️
How useful is the program to you? *
Very useful
Not useful
What are the best things about WTM membership? *
Jāaizpilda obligāti
What resources do you want more of? *
Jāaizpilda obligāti
What WTM communication do you like the most? *
Jāaizpilda obligāti
Would you recommend our program to your friends?  *
Not at all likely
Extremely likely
What is your preferred way to keep up with tech and community info? *
Jāaizpilda obligāti
What else would you like to share with us?
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