Volasaurus Moderation Application
So you're interested in being a moderator for Volasarus, also known affectionately as a Volkyrie! That's great! We'd love to welcome you aboard, but first we need some information from you. This will be quick, I promise!
Email *
Screenname *
Your twitch screenname
Discord Username *
Which nights are you interested in? *
If selected, can you be active during the hours you have indicated above? Would others consider you reliable? *
Any previous twitch moderator experience? *
If you answered yes to the previous question, please list any channels you've previously moderated for:
Why do you want to become a Moderator? *
What is something you're looking forward to if you become a Moderator? *
What are you hesitant about? *
How familiar are you with the Hellywood Theater and Vol's lore and culture? *
How long have you known Vol? *
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