Homework Hotline-Parent Permission Form
The Homework Hotline is a student-run opportunity for Eagles to help Eagles. The virtual Hotline will occur through an Exeter Zoom meeting space.  Tutors will be Senior High students who have volunteered to tutor and have shown to be excellent role models in our community.   Student tutors will provide one on one academic support to students that need help.   Students who would like academic help should talk to their guidance counselor to select a time slot.  

To improve the security of the Zoom room the Hotline can only be accessed using an Exeter student’s credentials.  While the Hotline is overseen by the school it is important to note that the Hotline will be staffed by student volunteers and there is NO direct supervision during Zoom tutor sessions by a staff member.

If you have questions please contact the building guidance counselor or Mr. Deane, Assistant Principal at Exeter Twp. High School.
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