Remote Long Term Substitute Teacher Pool
CESA 10 is looking to create a pool of available teachers for various virtual positions for our member districts.  Locations, subjects, grade levels and specific job duties will be determined based on need.  Positions could be long term substitutes, full semester or year-long positions.  Classes would be taught synchronously to one or many school districts via videoconferencing.  

Teaching experience in your specific subject area along with your proficiency in technology will ensure your success in this dynamic role.   Professional home office environment must have access to consistent high speed internet, be conducive to video and audio needs, and a structured schedule.

Please complete the form below indicating the grade level and content area(s) you are certified AND interested in teaching.  In addition, please indicate the time commitment you would be interested in. (Available positions could be a few sections per day, full time day, for a few weeks or months.)

Must hold a valid WI teaching license or a substitute permit.  This is primarily a remote position, based out of your home office, but may include occasional visits to schools to meet students in person.  More specific details about a position (i.e employing district, FTE and term) would be shared if a candidate moves forward in the process.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address (including City and Zip Code) *
DPI License(s) Type *
Content Area / Subject *
Feel free to detail any questions you may have for us here and we will reach out with clarification.
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