Leave of Absence & Withdrawal Request Form
Students choosing to leave the College must submit this form and complete an exit interview (face to face, by telephone, or Zoom) prior to departure. Please submit this form to take a leave of absence (leave temporarily for a specified period of time, up to three semesters) or to withdraw from the College (leave permanently).

This completed form must be submitted before the first day of exam week in which the leave is to begin. Students submitting a Leave of Absence request after the tenth week of the semester will have to take the entire next semester off, unless there are documented extenuating circumstances.

For information on scheduling the exit interview, or for information pertaining to Financial Aid, Business Office, transcripts, refunds, returning from a Leave of Absence or Withdrawal, please click: tinyurl.com/682zj358

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Email *
Student First and Last Name *
Student ID# *
Phone Number Where We Can Reach You *
Personal Email Where We Can Reach You *
Which will you be taking (choose 1): *
Semester Leave of Absence or Withdrawal starts (e.g. Fall 2021) *
If taking a Leave of Absence, when do you intend to return? (e.g. Fall 2022)
Effective Date of Leave of Absence or Withdrawal *
On what date did you last attend a class or take a final exam? *
Will you finish your classes for this semester? *
Reasons for Leave of Absence or Withdrawal (check all that apply) *
If transferring, please name the transfer institution and your intended major at the institution.
Please give us more details as to why you are leaving. *
We want to make SMCM a better place. What can we do better? What could we have done to have kept you at SMCM?
Acknowledgment *
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