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Echo and Narcissus
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1. (p. 101) Describe Echo:
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2. (p. 101) Why did Hera come to the forest?
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3. (p. 102) Why did Hera punish Echo?
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4. (p. 102) What was Echo’s punishment?
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5. (p. 102) Describe Narcissus:
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6. (p. 103) What happened when Narcissus looked in the pond?
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7. (p. 105) How are Echo and Narcissus similar?
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8. (pp. 105-106) Why did Echo and Narcissus die?
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9. How does this story end?
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10. Describe a person you know who is either like Echo, or Narcissus. Explain how this person shares a similar personality to that character.
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