East County Bible Basketball Tournament 2022
Event: Every Sunday from August 28 - September 25, 2022
Age Requirement: High School Freshmen and up
Event Address: Boys and Girls Clubs of East County - La Mesa Clubhouse
7600 Jr High Dr, La Mesa, CA 91941, United States
Contact us at (619) 395-1254 or joemeldelossantos@gmail.com
Permission Slip for players under 18 years old -
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Age *
High School (Current or last attended)? *
 Are you currently in High School? (Check Box)
 If this your first year playing in the Spring Valley Bible Basketball League?
Clear selection
Do you currently attend a church?
Clear selection
If you selected yes, which church?
Who would you like to request on your team? (If you have no preference, simply write: Free Agent): Note: For request to be approved, all players must register, and include one another in their request
Height *
Preferred Position
Clear selection
I understand that this is a free league, and by registering, I am making a commitment to attend all games and obey all league rules and procedures *
I understand that by registering, I am forfeiting my right to hold any party (including all the churches and organizations involved) responsible for all costs due to possible injuries endured during this event *
Please have your parent or guardian sign the consent form for all players under 18. Here is a link for a printable version of the consent form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B9rUihPsffrzCoGJ6qGZTiw49CoJUT1i/view?usp=sharing

You can either email a digitally signed version of the permission slip to joemeldelossantos@gmail.com or bring the signed paper during our registration on September 12th. All Permission slips must be turned in by players under 18 by September 19th. To be eligible to play.
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