1:1 Mentorship Application
Hello and thank you for your interest! This mentorship is focused on optimizing your career/income, strategically paying off debt, and investing to build long-term wealth! 

If you want to change your financial situation and are serious about taking MASSIVE action NOW, then please complete application below. This idea behind this form is so I can know you and your situation better so l know how to best help you.

Many of my clients are now on a 10-year track or less to semi-retirement and eventually early retirement.

On the last page, there will be a link for you to schedule your FREE 30-min zoom call with me, but please also submit you form so I know a bit about you before our call! 

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Email *
Phone Number *
First & Last Name *
What is your profession? *
City & State that you currently reside in?  *
What is your age? *
How many years have you been working as a healthcare professional? *

I’ve worked with hundreds of clients and have noticed these 3 financial stages. Which stage would you classify yourself in?

Captionless Image
How much credit card debt do you currently have?  *
How much student loan debt do you have? (federal, private, both)  *
Please briefly describe your current situation with your career & finances (employment, income, loans, retirement, martial status, children, etc) *
What are you most interested in?
What is the biggest challenge that you are facing with your career & finances right now? *
What is your DESIRED situation with your career & finances? Please describe.  *
Do you have any past experiences with coaching/mentorship programs or financial advisors? If so, please describe the good/bad experiences briefly. *
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