IWHEC 2021 Feedback
Please submit feedback regarding your experience  in IWHEC 2021
Deadline: 2021/3/27,23:59:59
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Your name *
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Which city do you live in ?
What is your occupation ?
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What is your overall feeling of this event ? *
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Select the most enjoyable topic   *
Select the most impressive presenter you believe to be *
Why do you enjoy the topic you have chosen above most ? *
Good points of IWHEC 2021 *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Assistance of IWHEC is adequate
Break time for IWHEC is proper
Time scale for each presenter is proper
Presentations are original and attractive
Guest lineup is powerful
Anything else that is good of IWHEC 2021 ? *
How would you suggest improving this IWHEC 2021 ? *
How did you become aware of IWHEC 2021 ? *
Will you recommend our event to others ?
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