KECC Waiting List form
Thank you for taking the time to add your child to our waiting list and carefully choosing the options that will best serve your family. We will contact you should a spot become available, based on your preferences listed below.  Our program serves Kirkwood School District resident families.  

If you have already completed a wait list application and need to make a change, please call the KECC Office 314-213-6136 press 9 and do not make a duplicate entry.

**Please note** Children may be added to our waiting list AFTER birth. We are no longer accepting prenatal additions to the KECC waiting list.
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Email *
Child First Name *
Child Last Name *
Child Birth Date *
Child Gender *
Do you reside in the Kirkwood School District? *
Please list Street Address and Zip Code: *
Is a parent of the child employed by KSD? *
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Relationship of person filling out form to child *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Additional Parent/Guardian First Name (if applicable)
Additional Parent/Guardian Last Name (if applicable)
Additional Parent/Guardian Email
Additional Parent/Guardian Phone Number
Does the child have a sibling currently enrolled at KECC? *
Sibling Name
Attendance Choice: Full Day (ages 2y-5y; can choose more than one)
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Attendance Choice: Part-time Full Day (only available ages 2y-3y; can choose more than one)
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Attendance Choice: Robinson Preschool (Pre K; ages 4-5; can choose more than one)
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Attendance Choice: Half-Day Preschool (M-Th ages 3-5; can choose more than one)
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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