What new startups should Technical.ly cover?
Technical.ly tracks new and growing startup companies, including those at the idea stage. Founders, we want to hear your story to help introduce you to your local tech community for resources, support and eventually for your hiring needs. Tell us a bit about yourself here. Filling this form out is not a guarantee of coverage but it helps us do this better — and we may even publish your responses, or reach out for more details.
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First of all: Who are you? *
Email to get in touch with any Qs? *
Company Name *
Technical.ly Market *
Company Website *
Company Founded Date *
What industry is your company in? *
In 140 characters, what does your company do? *
Why is your startup idea interesting? *
Why is your team interesting? *
What can your startup journey teach other founders? *
Company LinkedIn Page (if applicable)
Company Twitter Account (if applicable)
Founder Name (primary contact) *
Founder Email *
Cofounder Name
Cofounder Email
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