Time: 6:15 PM CST Tuesdays, show starts around 6:30. Typically goes till around 8:30ish PM CST.
# of Sessions: One shot! We are doing 6-8 one shots.
GM: Lucas who runs Ballad of the Seven Dice, check out our socials on Twitter, Tiktok, and Blusky
Other cast: Each episode would have different cast
Vibes: Comedy Horror with some air of mystery
Setting: Earth, 2023
Start Date: We're looking to start Nov 14th and have a session each week, excluding Dec 25th and Jan 1st
Age: 18+
Required: Microphone and Camera
CW: Character Death is a big part of these games, the game is set so that there is a high probability that the characters die. Keep this in mind if you want to join in. We also focus a lot on horror such as psychological, body horror, and cosmic horror.
Safety Tools: All good horror needs safety tools. We always use the Monte Cook Consent Form and we use the X Card for the live recording of the session.
Want to see how we play? Check out
our YouTube for episodes of Lost Tower of Ambrosia!
Lost Tower of Ambrosia is a custom made TTRPG by Lucas Duff designed for quick improv sessions that lead to high tensions and big dangers. It is a 50/50 chance your character will survive, but that's the point of the session! The game is full improv with only a loose story setup before hand, so it can end in any direction! The actions of the previous games will affect the future ones!
Welcome Agents to the LTA, the Lost Tower of Ambrosia. We are an organization dedicated to researching, capturing, and exterminating creatures and devices that threaten our world as we know it. Back in the 1800's a white stone tower was scene in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and what we found in there shocked humanity to its very core. We exist in the shadows, keeping people safe and doing everything we can to keep this organization alive. We need you to join us, take up arms, and help stop these horrible creations from destroying our planet.