Webstore Info and Questions
- Web stores typically run for 2 weeks, then about 4 weeks to process orders.

- These shops are a great way of raising money, we typically add on a 20% fundraiser.

- We have the ability to ship right to the customer so you won't need to handle distribution, or we can save the cost and have you pickup the orders and distribute them (or both).

-We've run a number of web stores and we generally pick out items we think will work well, if you have anything specific you're interested in we can look for items for you.
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Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Name of School or Organization? *
When would you like the store to go live for 2 weeks? *
Are you looking to include any specific items or sizes in the store?
Take a look at our inspiration site to give you some ideas!
Bulk Order Pickup/Shipping *
Would you like to include additional fundraising with this store? *
What percentage or flat amount would you like to be added to each item for fundraising? (standard is 20%)
 If we're fundraising, who should the check be made out to?
If fundraising, would you like to pick up the donation check? If you would like to provide us with an address we can mail it out to you.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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