Sign-Up for LexFUN! Kindergarten Connection

LexFUN!’s Kindergarten Connection - Easing the Transition

The Kindergarten Connection program connects your rising kindergartner with their future classmates at YOUR child's elementary school before school starts.  This is a tried and true way to ease the transition to Kindergarten.

By signing up below you will be matched with families also entering Kindergarten at your school.  You will be invited to small group meetups as well as an all-school playdate.  These gatherings will provide your child with the opportunity to make friends with potential classmates before the 1st day of school!  You will also make valuable connections with other parents and maybe even some new friends!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Child's Birthdate *
Is this your first child to enter elementary school? *
Elementary School District *
Child's Preschool/Childcare Center *
Parent First Name *
Parent Last Name *
Parent Email Address *
Home Address *
Cell Phone Number *
Are you a member of LexFUN! *
LexFUN! membership is not required to participate in Kindergarten Connection activities.
Would you like your information included in the Kindergarten Connection contact list? *
Information from the contact list will be shared with other families who have registered for a Kindergarten Connection Playdate and who have a child entering Kindergarten at your elementary school.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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