ESCP Startup Partnership Berlin - Request for Information
Are you a startup/ scale up looking to connect with top ESCP students, graduates or alumni?

Then, the ESCP Startup Partnership is the perfect opportunity to become a part of the ESCP Business School Entrepreneurship Community.

The recruiting partnership offers exclusive access to our events such as the ESCP Startup Fair, in-class presentations and on-side visits. It is the perfect opportunity to connect with the ESCP community in different ways to exchange and interact with top talents.  

For pricing-related and any other questions, please fill out this form and Sönke Mestwerdt ( will get back to you with more detailed information on the partnership.
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Name of your startup: *
Contact person: *
Email contact person: *
Industry/ focus of startup: *
Website: *
Open positions: *
Language required (main language for position): *
Any specific wishes of formats (events, presentations, workshops, ...) you would like to offer to the ESCP Community (students, staff, alumni) as part of the partnership?
Any specific questions regarding the partnership?
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