Croatian Folklore Ensemble "CROATOAN" 2024-2025 Season Registration Form
Welcome to another season of Croatian folklore dance and music!

This comprehensive form will guide you through the registration process. In includes information about the class schedule, eligibility requirements, performance expectations and code of conduct. 

Registration opens: August 11, 2024
Registration ends: September 2, 2024
In-person registration: Sunday, Sept. 1 after mass (12pm) in the St. Leopold Mandic Parish Hall

Fees: $125.00/per person
Membership: $10.00/per person

What is involved in kolo (dance)?
A fundamental part of Croatian traditional folklore, regardless of the ethnographic region, is the kolo. It is almost considered a synonym for dance. Performers generally dance in circular formations. Performers can be solo in the circle, in couples, or divided up between smaller circles. The footwork and dance steps vary from region to region, however, there are common steps such as the polka that are used throughout Croatia. Singing is also an element of kolo. Be prepared to break a sweat!

What is involved in tambura (music)? 
Croatian folklore uses a variety of instruments—percussion, strings and wind. However, the stringed tamburica (pronounced: tamburitza) is, by far, the most popular instrument used in Croatian folklore. The tambura is shaped and sounds like a lute or mandolin and comes in five basic types: bisernica or prim, brač, bugarija, čelo and berda (bass). Croatoan’s repertoire includes Croatian folk music, as well as Canadian, international, classical, popular and sacred music. Be prepared to practice lots at home!

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