High Holiday Registration 2019 Teens 7th-12th Grade
Thank you for pre-registering your teen for the High Holiday programming (please fill out one form per person). This will help in organizing, planning and providing a meaningful and fun High Holiday experience for your teens.
Programs will take place at the below time:
Rosh Hashana Day 1 - Sept. 30 11:00am- end of main service
Rosh Hashana Day 2 - Oct. 1 11:00 - end of main service
Yom Kippur - Oct. 9 10:45 - end of main service
Please note, while these programs are for children and teens only, parents are expected to stay in the synagogue during the programs.
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Teen Name (First and Last) *
Teen cell phone number (so we can contact you for programs throughout the year)
Teen Email
Grade in Secular/Day School *
Parent Email *
Rosh Hashana Day 1
Rosh Hashana Day 2
Yom Kippur
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