World Gymnaestrada- Family Registration and Medical Update Form
The World Gymnaestrada program runs from Thurs Sept 6 to June 27.

Registration is done on a first-come first-served basis. Payment information is required in order to complete registration and secure your spot.
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Athlete Last Name *
Athlete Name *
Birth Date *
Athlete Passport Number *
Home Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
City *
Postal Code *
Parent's (1) Full Name *
Parent's (1) Cell # *
Parent's (1) Email *
Parent's (1) Occupation
Parent's (1) Employer
Parent's (2) Full Name
Parent's (2) Cell #
Parent's (2) Email
Parent's (2) Occupation
Parent's (2) Employer
Emergency Contact Name *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Without your consent we cannot communicate with you about Delta Gymnastics through email. We value our relationship with you and would like to continue providing information that is relevant to you regarding your child(ren)'s program(s), Delta Gymnastics events, updates and Parent Participation opportunities. Please be advised that email is our primary form of communication. If you opt-out of receiving emails the onus is on you, as the parent, to keep up to date with scheduling changes, upcoming meets and upcoming events. *
Medical Policy: Parents are responsible for ensuring that their child can meet the physical demands of participation in the DGS program(s) in which they are enrolled. Parents may make coaches aware of medical issues as they see fit. Delta Gymnastics strongly recommends that every new gymnast entering our 10-month programs have a complete medical examination to ensure their child can meet the physical demands of the sport. It is further recommended that the gymnast have a complete physical examination at the beginning of each season. Any pertinent changes in your child's medical status should be discussed with your child's coach. *
Current History: Please indicate any injuries or medical issues. (Allergies, recent injuries, current medication, etc.)
Today's Date *
I *
confirm that I am the parent or guardian of the above-mentioned athlete(s) and that I have completed this form. *
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