What Is Shaping PR & Marketing Budget Conversations for 2024?
This unique market research gathers insights from leading marketing and communications executives to identify critical elements of 2024 marketing and PR budgets. The goal is to write and publish a comprehensive report with key findings to assist businesses in effectively planning and executing their marketing and PR strategies for 2024.
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We need to ask:

To guarantee the legitimacy of the market report, we need to know the demographics of the survey participants. However, to protect the survey takers' identity, we only collect information on the marketing team size and job titles. Before beginning the survey, could you please answer these questions?

If you prefer not to share this information, we understand and appreciate you visiting this page. We hope to see you next time.
1. How many people are on your marketing team? *
2. The level of your seniority *
3. Share your email address to recieve a copy of the report and get your $5 Starbucks card (optional)
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