Ministry Fair RSVP! 

Hey Harvest Family!

Thank you for signing up to join us at our Ministry Fair on Sunday, Sept 8th, immediately after 10:30AM worship service! 

During this time, you can learn about all the ministries at Harvest Church, get to know other ministry partners, and inquire directly about ways to stay connected! There will be food, fellowship, a pie-in-the-face contest, and so much more—fun for all ages! 

RSVP below! 

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Email *
What is your Name? (First Name Last Name) *
How many people will be attending (including yourself) *
Please add a number here.
Please provide your primary phone number. *
(Optional) Do you have any specific questions you would like answered about our ministries?
(Optional) What ministries are you looking forward to knowing about?
Are you a partner of Harvest Church? *
Note: This question is for informational purposes only.
Please comment below with any additional questions or concerns you may have - we are here to help!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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