34th CLEACKHEATON FOLK FESTIVAL                5th, 6th & 7th July 2024                           STEWARDING APPLICATION FORM
Please fill in 1 form per steward's application
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Name *
Address *
Mobile Phone Number *
Home Phone Number *
Email Address if you use it regularly *
Who do you want to steward with?
Do you need duties opposite someone to enable relatives/friends/pets to be supported?
What Type of duties do you prefer?
Would you be willing to do extra duties if required?
What duties are you unable to do?
What duties would you feel uncomfortable doing? e.g. Handling money
Do you want a different location or type of duty to last year?
What qualifications/special experience do you have? e.g. Cafe/Venue managing
Are you new to stewarding at Cleckheaton FF? *
Do you have any relevant skills or experience through work or volunteering?
If new to Cleckheaton FF what other festivals have you stewarded at and what duties?
Please supply a photo either by email or a hard copy. It will be printed on your steward's pass. An updated photo is required from all stewards, so that a true likeness is represented on your steward's pass. *
What day will you arrive? *
What time do you expect to arrive? *
When will you leave? *
Approximate time of departure? *
Is there any time during this period you will not be able to steward? e.g Attending Church
Will you be? *
What is the best way to contact you? *
Is there any other information you wish to give us?
Is there any other information you require?
I consent to the above personal information being held by you on a computer database to contact me about whether i wish to steward at future festivals and, if so, in relation to the arrangements for such stewarding. We will NOT divulge this information to any third party.               *
We will endeavour to match your preferences wherever possible  If you have any questions, please contact Gerald Beer, Stewards Co-ordinator on:                       stewarding@cleckheatonfolkfestival.org
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