Would you like crashspace on the Saturday night? We can't promise, but we'll do our best to match people up.
Are you able to provide crashspace on Saturday night? If yes, please let us know as much as you can.
Your answer
Basic dietary requirements *
Any other dietary requirements? Please let us know anything you won't eat and the reason if possible. It's useful for us to know the difference between an allergy and a massive dislike, for example.
Your answer
Would you like any additional bottles of Moniack Mead at £8.50 each? Please enter the number below. A glass or so each will be provided with the banquet, but otherwise it's bring your own booze.
Your answer
Payment details
Please pay by BACS to Rosemany Warner, account number: 00300614, sort code: 11-05-34 The price is £33 if booked before 25th Jan.