依頼工作引取り方法指定フォーム/ Form for specifying pickup method
Your requested product has been completed.
Please specify your pickup method using the form below.
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依頼番号/Reference No. *
メールに記載された番号/Included in the completion notification email
引取り方法/pick up method *
レセプションルームのカウンターに放置する場合、安全の保障はできません。/When picking up requested items from the reception counter, please be aware that there is a possibility of theft.
引取り日時を指定してください/Please specify the pickup date. *
工作室スタッフが不在の時間は引取ることはできません(業務時間外、お昼休み、休日等)/You cannot pickup items during times when the machineshop staff are not available (after hours, lunch breaks, holidays, etc.).
Pickup time *
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