Guest Feedback
To better serve our guests and help us improve, please leave your honest feedback about your experience at Improv Toastmasters.
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What brought you to Improv Toastmasters?
How did you hear about Improv Toastmasters?
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What did you like most about the meeting?
What did you like least about the meeting?
Would you consider attending another meeting?
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If you do not plan to attend another meeting, would you be willing to share the reason? (Select all that apply.)
Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with Improv Toastmasters?
Would you like to leave a video testimonial?
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By submitting this form, I hereby authorize Improv Toastmasters and its agents (collectively, “Improv Toastmasters”) to use, reproduce, and publish photographs, testimonials, statements, and/or video content (“Content”) that may contain my image, likeness, and/or voice. I agree and understand I shall neither be compensated for the Content nor receive attribution for the Content.

I also attest that I am authorized to grant to Improv Toastmasters the right to use this Content. I understand that this Content may be used in publications, press releases, marketing materials, advertisements (both digital and print), websites (including social media sites), or other uses. This authorization is continuous, and only I may withdraw this authorization through specific written rescission.

I hereby release Improv Toastmasters from any liability of any kind related to the use, reproduction, or publication of the Content.
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