Contact Sport2day
If you would like to know more about working with Sport2day fill in the below and we can get back to you.
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Email *
Name *
Enter your full name
Age *
Telephone Number *
What position(s) do you feel you would be interested in? *
Select any you would like to know more about
When would you be able to start working if successful? *
Home Post Code *
This will help place any practical interview closer to home should you be successful.
Do you have your own transport? *
If not how do you plan working at various schools/sites. Sometimes different places on the same day.
Do you have any commitments that would affect your availability?
Are there any days/times you would not be able to work?
Please detail any relevant experience you have working with children.
Please list any relevant training/qualifications you have.
e.g. First aid, Sports coaching qualifications, Young leaders award etc.
Please detail any relevant work experience.
If you have worked in a school, coached a team or have previous employment in the sport/leisure sector.
Do you have a learning difficulty, disability or health problem? Is there anything we can do to support you should you interview for the position?
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