Young Creatives Club application form 
Are you interested in joining the Migration Museum this summer from the July 24-28th for a week-long creative programme? Based in Lewisham Shopping Centre, the Migration Museum is a space for people of all ages and walks of life to come together to learn about and reflect upon migration.

This is an exciting opportunity to develop your creative skills in response to this summer's theme 'Who is a Migrant?' We have talks from artists and creatives, workshops and opportunities for you to learn new skills.

Open to Lewisham young people ages 14-18.  Young creatives of all abilities and skills welcome. Deadline July 16th. To apply please complete this form, we will be in touch with you to confirm that we've received it and what to expect next. Wishing you the best of luck in your application!

Please note that a small bursary is included for all young people selected to take part in this exciting opportunity.

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Full Name
Date of Birth
Email address
Phone number
Emergency contact details (the name and number of your parent/guardian) 
Please tell us why you would like to join this years Young Creatives Club at the Migration Museum (no more than 150 words are needed) 

*If you would prefer to send us a short video explaining why, please email your video to with your name and contact details attached. 
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