Tutorlyte Sign-Up Form
The syllabus with more explanation on classes and curriculum is available here: https://tinyurl.com/tutoring-syllabus

Update 6/26/2023: Group lessons are now available! Click "Group" below in the "Tutoring Method" question if you are interested.

If you'd like to send the form to others, you may do so here: https://tinyurl.com/tutoring-signup-2023
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Payment info
Each session is 1 hour long. Our current class offerings is as follows:
  • 1-on-1: $40/session on one (non-AMC/AIME) topic (e.g., Polynomials, Kinematics).
  • Group: $100/session on one AMC 8/AMC 10-level topic.
1-on-1 classes will be offered in packages of 1 session, 5 sessions, and 10 sessions. Payment for 5 sessions will be $190, and payment for 10 sessions will be $370.

Group lessons are offered in packages of 5 sessions. The cost of each seession will be split across the number of participants.

Note: The price for AMC/AIME sessions is now changed to $50/session. Packages of 5 sessions are offered at $240, and packages of 10 sessions are offered at $470. Unfortunately, the demand for AMC/AIME classes is so high that we have no choice but to offer them at a higher price.
  • All packages must be paid beforehand.
  • You may drop the program at no cost before the sessions, but the packages are non-refundable after the first session.
Name of student *
Email of student (no school emails) *
Discord tag -- this is my preferred method of contact, but if you don't have Discord, just put N/A. *
Email of parent *
Grade level of student (ex: put 5 for 5th grade) *
Tutoring method *
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