Preletores: Cristiana Sieiro Santos, Maria Oliveira, Paulo Ney Solari, Pedro Mateus Alunos do Curso de Especialização em Epidemiologia da FMUL
Resumo da sessão:
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) include numerous conditions associated with a high and growing worldwide global burden, representing the most common cause of death. Immune-mediated and inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) are associated with higher cardiovascular morbidity and mortality rates. Although IMIDs can be associated with a higher prevalence of well-known cardiovascular risk factors, such as metabolic syndrome, smoking, type 2 diabetes, and obesity, these factors do not fully account for the greater prevalence and incidence of CVDs. In this session, we will present our project which aims to evaluate the prevalence of CVD in systemic autoimmune diseases, the contribution of different demographic and disease-related variables and traditional cardiovascular risk factors in the prevalence of CVD and determine the perception of patients regarding the CV risk inherent to their diagnosis.
Data: 4ªf, 7 junho 18h00 - 19h30 (Hora de Lisboa/Lisbon Time)