HHVR Request for Aid
If you need assistance, please complete this form. BE AS THOROUGH AS POSSIBLE.
On September 4th, we updated our rescue (this) form as our team begins to transition from rescue operations into wellness and relief. If you have an emergency situation and need to be rescued, we recommend you still complete this form, text RESCUE to 33222, and call 911.

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/831235773703488/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HHVolunteerRescue/ 

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Request type *
Name *
Phone Number *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Important information that we may need to know. Any specific instructions or notes?
Rescue Only: Please rate this emergency on a scale of 1-3
1 - life or death, submerged in water, medical emergency
2 - water very high, elderly, young children
3 - water rising, health people
Name of person needing rescue
How many people?
Any medical emergencies?
We are a team of volunteers from across the United States working together to help Texas following Hurricane Harvey. Please note, there is a chance this request may be used by government agencies including the police, fire department, national guard, coast guard, red cross, etc. during disaster relief operations. By adding your information to this form you are consenting to this possibility.

You declare this request for aid to be factual and, by submitting this form, do hereby claim all responsibility for information contained herein.
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