Trust in the Social Age
We're exploring trust in all forms -- how it's earned, how it fractures, how to improve it, and how it exists within teams, between individuals, and technology. From your narratives, we are attempting to build a multi-faceted technique to measure trust. Your stories will remain anonymous, and demographic information will only be presented in aggregate within the context of the research being performed.

You can find my initial work on the topic at Further detail can be found at

Thank you for your interest and participation.

Julian Stodd
Author & Founder, Sea Salt Learning
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Tell me about something that happened to you which shows what trust means to you.
Give what happened a title
What happened makes me feel
Which of these words best describes what 'trust' means to you?
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What makes you feel valued at work?
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Using the following scale, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Most people tell a lie when they can benefit by doing so.
Those devoted to unselfish causes are often exploited by others.
Some people do not cooperate because they pursue only their own short-term self-interest. Thus, things that can be done well if people cooperate often fail because of these people.
Most people are basically honest.
There will be more people who will not work if the social security system is developed further.
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