Cwricwlwm i Gymru a Sgiliau Bywyd | Curriculum for Wales and Life Skills
Fel rydych yn gwybod, mae’r cwricwlwm yng Nghymru yn newid. Fel staff, rydym wedi cydweithio i edrych ar yr hyn sy’n bwysig i’n disgyblion a hoffwn yn fawr eich mewnbwn chi fel rhieni, gwarchodwyr and teuluoedd.
Er mwyn deall mwy am y newidiadau sy’n digwydd, ewch i’r wefan isod a gwyliwch y fideo sydd yno. 
As you know, the curriculum in Wales is changing. As staff members, we have worked together to look at the things that are important for our pupils and we would like your input as parents, guardians and families.
To understand more about the changes, please go to the website below and watch the video there: 
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Fel clwstwr o ysgolion Gymraeg rydyn ni wedi dechrau meddwl am restr o bethau yr hoffen i bob disgybl profi a datblygu yn ystod eu hamser yn yr ysgol. Pa fath o bethau (megis sgiliau bywyd) y byddech chi eisiau eu gweld ar y rhestr? / As a cluster of Welsh-medium schools we have started to think a list of things that we would like all pupils to experience and develop during their time at school. What sort of things (such as life skills) would you want to see on the list?
Dyma rhai esiamplau: ymweld â’r gamlas leol ac yn dysgu amdani; ymweld â theatr a fferm; rhedeg milltir, creu pryd o fwyd syml, dysgu sut i gyllido am siop wythnosol; mynd i'r siop lleol i brynu nwyddau, creu pecyn bwyd cinio eu hunain a.y.b. / Here are some examples: visiting and learning about the local canal; visiting a theatre and a farm; run a mile, create a simple meal, learn how to budget for a weekly shop; going to the local store to buy goods, creating their own packed lunch etc.
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