Misplaced Mutts Application for Adoption
Please understand rescuing a cat from our organization is not for everyone. We are very selective when it comes to finding the right home for each and every animal we save. Just because you are interested in a particular animal does not mean that he/she is a good match for you.
All fields are required. If something is not applicable to you please indicate ‘N/A’

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First and Last Name *
Name of cat you are applying for: *
E-mail Address *
Phone Number *
Address *
City, State, Zip Code *
Do you: *
Type of Residence:   *
How long have you lived at your current address? *
Do you have plans to move in the near future? *
What is your place of employment? And how long is your typical work day? *
Explain the pet policy where you live (i.e. any covenants, restrictions, pet deposits, etc) *
Where will the cat be kept? *
What kind of food do you use/plan to use? *
Who will have primary responsibility for the care of the cat? *
Number of adults in household? *
Number of kids? List ages of all children. *
Please list all animals currently living in your household: *
Are all animals in your home spayed / neutered? *
Have you ever re-homed an animal? Please explain. *
Have you ever owned a cat before?           *
If no, have you done research on owning a cat ?   *
What traits of this cat especially appeal to you? *
Why do you want to own a cat? *
From your perspective, what are the pros of owning a cat? Please explain. *
From your perspective, what are the cons of owning a cat? Please explain. *
Have you ever been charged with animal or child abuse? *
Which veterinarian do you plan to use or have you used previously? *
Are your pets current on all vaccinations, rabies shots, heartworm and fecal tests? *
Are your pets current on flea/tick and heartworm preventative?           *
What kind of prevention do you use/plan to use? *
Date of last vet visit (mm/dd/yy): *
Please provide 2 references below with full name and contact number (we may contact them if needed): *
I understand that completing an application does not mean that I will be able to adopt a cat(s) from Misplaced Mutts. *
I understand that there will be an adoption fee for the cat(s), which will be used to partially offset the veterinary expenses incurred by Misplaced Mutts. *
I am able to afford regular (at least annual) veterinary care and heartworm preventative for the cat(s), as well as emergency care, if needed. *
I understand that the adoption fee will be collected at time of trial run, fee will be discussed when setting up meet and greet for qualified applicants. It will be refunded if the trial run doesn't work out, but will NOT be refunded after you decide to adopt the cat(s). *
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