Apply for a Professional Reseller's Account
To apply, complete the form below. Please note requirements.
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(*Required for an acct) Resale accounts are for board-licensed/certified practicing physicians (4+ year degree in a health field) who have a health/wellness business, and recommend nutritional supplements and/or essential oils to their patients. In order to be considered for a resale account with wholesale pricing, please provide the following information about your practice.  
Please check those that apply to you and your practice. *
Full Name *
Degree/Credentials *
Email *
Birthdate *
Practice Name *
Practice Phone Number *
Practice Address (street, city, state, zip) *
Website URL
Is there a specific technique or method you use to determine nutritional imbalances?  If so, please explain.
How did you hear about VerVita?
Email Professional License/Certification Documents *
Email State Business License *
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