BIFE Emergency Fund Application
As this is a limited fund, we are providing partial to full assistance on a case-to-case basis. Each case will be reviewed individually.

To protect your privacy, only the founder of BIFE will have access to the applications and administrative records for the Fund. We will honor your privacy and ensure confidentiality throughout the process.  

Please fill out the application for emergency assistance and we will contact you as soon as possible. Be prepared to provide an estimation of expenses needed and the total financial assistance requested. To check on the status of your application, please email (only accessible to the founder).
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Contact Name *
Contact Email *
How are you affiliated to the beer or fermentation industries? *
City *
State *
What location (city, state) will you be requesting to travel to? *
Approximate estimation of travel expenses (please be as detailed as possible) *
Amount requested for assistance *
Will you be requesting mental health therapy sessions?
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Anything else you would like us to know?
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