2024 Student Creative Arts and Research Symposium Evaluation Form

Please rate each question as Exceeded Expectations, Met Expectations, Improvement Needed, Dissatisfied, or Not Applicable. Your ratings and notes will be used to enhance future symposiums for students and faculty involved. Thank you!

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1. Rate your overall satisfaction with the Student Creative Arts and Research Symposium
2.  Rate your satisfaction with the electronic abstract submission process
3.  Rate your satisfaction with the registration process
4.  Rate how you feel the session(s) you attended will assist you in your professional development regarding research or creative arts
5.  Rate the value of the Student Symposium as a learning/educational tool
6.  Rate your satisfaction with the Poster Presentation Sessions
7.  Rate your satisfaction with the Platform Presentation Sessions
8.  Rate your satisfaction with the Virtual Presentation Sessions
9.  Rate your satisfaction with the Keynote Speaker Session
10. Indicate how you found out about the Student Symposium
11. Indicate your role in the Student Symposium
12.  If you have any additional comments or suggestions that you feel would improve the Symposium, please add them here or on the back
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