Crossroads North Form to Report a School or Student Threat
Please note that this form is NOT for ROUTINE discipline matters.  This form is to report significant threats of harm to others related to the list below.   Matters needing investigation may include involvement by the South Brunswick Police Department.  ****REPORTS ARE MONITORED WHEN SCHOOL IS IN SESSION.  IF THE THREAT REQUIRES IMMEDIATE ATTENTION, CALL 911. ****
  • Weapons, assault, menacing, harassing
  • Planning attack
  • Threatened attack
  • Physical attack
  • Escalating pattern of aggressive and/or violent behavior
  • High-level anger inappropriate for the situation
  • Expression and/or justification for violence
  • Significant Frustration/Confused Mental State
Thank you for taking the time to report concerning behavior at our school.  If your report requires immediate police response due to imminent danger during or after school hours, please call the South Brunswick Police Department immediately to make your report.  When not an imminent danger, during school hours, please fill out this form to report a concern and a team member will review.  When not an imminent danger, if outside of school hours you become aware of someone threatening violent behavior, or if they have communicated in any way violent thoughts or intent, please contact the South Brunswick Police Department and fill out this form as well.
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Share a phone number for someone to follow up with you. *
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What is your concern that you want to share? *
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