Exhibitor Registration Form
Welcome, brave developer!

To the exhibitor registration form for Viborg Game Expo 2020.
This event is located in Viborg, Denmark. It will be open to the public from September 25th to 27th, 2020.

Please begin this short registration form by providing the email address for the person, who will act as our main contact regarding your participation at VGE20.

This information is for internal use only. It will not be shared with anyone.
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Email *
Name ( main contact ) *
Name of your company / delegation *
Company Website
Project title
Short project description
Company + Project so-me profiles (twitter, facebook, instagram)
Number of people est.
Booth Size *
Link to press kit (logo, visuals, etc) *
Acommodation needs?
You will hear back from us soon. In the meantime, please join the discussion at discord.game-expo.com!

If you have any additional questions, you can contact us at info@game-expo.com
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