Orangefiery Master's Thesis of the Year Award Application
This award recognizes and encourages graduate study and scholarship in public relations through an annual award for an outstanding Master’s thesis. The winner of this award receives a $2,000 grant. The winner’s faculty advisor receives a $1,000 cash grant.  The submission deadline is June 14, 2024. 

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Name: *
Permanent Address: (include city, state, and zip) *
Phone: *
Email Address: *
College/University you will be attending Summer/Fall 2024? If you have already graduated, respond with N/A. *
School/department program: *
School/department address: (include city, state, and zip) *
What is your major? *
Faculty advisor's name: *
Faculty advisor's email address: *
Expected graduation date: *
Expected degree: *
Research proposal or executive summary.  *
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