The Alison Lumbatis Show - Guest Application
*Do you feel insecure about your style choices? Do you buy all the cute things recommended on social media but continue to feel dissatisfied with your wardrobe? Do you struggle to keep up with the latest trends? Is getting dressed every morning a dreaded task? 

*Is your lack of style confidence impacting other areas of your life?

*Could your life be better if these challenges were solved?

Alison can help you! Share your style story on The Alison Lumbatis Show!

Alison will work with you to give you specific advice on what do to next. You'll walk away with the tools you need to overcome your closet conundrums and move toward style success with confidence by following the Outfit Formulas® way.

Thank you for your interest in being a guest on The Alison Lumbatis Show. We appreciate your vulnerability and are honored to be part of your style story. Please note that only those selected for interviews will be contacted. Do not be discouraged if you don't hear back from us right away, we anticipate a high volume of applicants and are grateful for your patience.
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What is your full name? *
What is your email address? *
What 3 words come to mind first when you think about style, fashion, and getting dressed? *
What is the biggest challenge you are facing when it comes to style/fashion + your wardrobe? *
Why has this been a roadblock to you? (Please give a specific real life example: "I want to ______ but I can't/don't because ____________." For example, "I want to feel good in my clothes but I don't because I get overwhelmed every time I try to shop and end up leaving the store with nothing.") *
How deep of an impact does this issue have on your daily life? *
Not impacting
Deeply impacting
Explain your previous answer. (OPTIONAL)
In your dream world, what would be your ideal outcome from this coaching? (For example, “I'd love to have a solid foundation of closet staple pieces so that creating outfits is easier and I'll spend less money over time on clothes.") *
If you had to summarize your style issue into one overarching topic, what would it be? *
When was the last time you cleaned out your closet? *
Closet check up! (Please check all that apply.) *
A large part of our style stories are shaped by the role models and experiences we had in our formative years.

For example, who were your style role models growing up and how did they talk about their/your appearance? What rules existed in your household around fashion/beauty? Did you get to buy new clothes often, only at 'back to school' time, or rarely if ever? Exploring these topics can be emotional and require vulnerability.

Our podcast producers are open to minor editing if required, but generally speaking... are you open to publicly discussing these topics that may be uncomfortable? 
In addition to the audio recording we are sharing the video of the podcast on our social media accounts, including YouTube. If selected for coaching with Alison, are you willing to be on video? *
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