Worker proposal submission form
[Internal prototype version for interim period before Custodians]
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Email *
Name(s): individuals and teams may submit; if your proposal naturally involves a group (for example, you closely share workstreams or cover for each other when away, or if you have already been working as a group) you may want to apply as a team. *
If applying as a team, please indicate the split of payment between members:
Is this an Amendment?  For example, are you extending the deadline, adding a team member or altering a deliverable? Amendments must be submitted as new proposals but it is useful for us to know if we have already approved something similar. Please paste the link of a previous related worker proposal below: *
Title (to appear in summaries) *
Start date: *
End date: *
Payment amount *
Select the type of currency *
Who are you? Please provide a brief summary of who you are and what you do. (If we don't already know you - links to CVs, Linkedin profile, portfolio/showreel etc are encouraged, but not necessary). How are you qualified to achieve the proposed goal? *
If we don't already know you - how have you contributed to eosDAC in the past? Provide a short summary of your contribution to eosDAC or links.
Deliverable: a measurable deliverable. Can be the sum of multiple components, example "5 blog posts of 500 words each". Can be time-based, such as "completion of one months' work as Communications Manager". Completion of the deliverable will complete the job and allow for payment. If there is more than one Deliverable, please submit more than one proposal (you can say they form part of a series). *
If required, use this space to give further detail on your proposal, the problem it is solving, its intentions or how the idea came about. If you need more space, create a shared doc and link it here.
How long do you estimate this will take you to complete? Completion will be measured by the deliverable (above), but as a sense check, please estimate time required.
Who will assess if the Deliverable is met? If there is a particular person who would be best placed to assess this, indicate that here. Otherwise, Will, Rob and Saro will assess.
If your worker proposal is accepted and you are receiving payment in EOS, we will require your 12-character EOS account name. So that this is verifiable, please send it to us through EOS Titan's profile portal ( Required fields: EOS Account Name and Display Name (Display Name to match name on this form). If you are not receiving payment in EOS, put 'not applicable'. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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