Cross-Border Telemedicine in the EU: Information Gathering for Policy Harmonization

This questionnaire is designed within the scope of the joint action Xt-EHR - The Extended Electronic Health Record as part of the deliverable D9.3 "Requirements for Large-Scale Uptake of Telemedicine Services" under the initiative MyHealth@EU. The focus is to understand and map out the complexities and requirements for enhancing cross-border telemedicine services within the EU, aligning with the objectives of the proposed European Health Data Space (EHDS) regulation.

The aim of Work Package 9, which this questionnaire supports, is to lay the groundwork for implementing robust, interoperable telemedicine services across EU member states. The insights gathered from this questionnaire will directly contribute to the deliverable D9.3, helping to establish a framework that will enhance the provision of health services and data accessibility across borders.


The primary objective of this questionnaire is to gather expert insights and recommendations on cross-border telemedicine practices, which will help to refine policy measures and technical specifications for the MyHealth@EU services. This information will be crucial for identifying and understanding the legal, technical, and social barriers to telemedicine implementation and proposing actionable, harmonized strategies to address these challenges.


Please answer the following 6 questions. They include:

  • Multiple-choice questions: Please select the appropriate response(s).
  • Open-ended questions: Provide detailed responses where applicable.

The estimated time to complete this questionnaire is approximately 10-15 minutes.

Thank you for your valuable contributions to this important initiative. Your input will play a fundamental role in shaping the future of cross-border telemedicine services within the EU. The data collected through this questionnaire will be used solely for analysis related to this deliverable and will be managed confidentially, without disclosing individual participant information.

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Full Name: *
email: *
Organization/Institution: *
Country of Residence:
1. Can you please provide scholarly papers, articles, white papers or reports on cross-border telemedicine in the EU? (Please share the title and link if available.)
2. Can you share any best practices or successful strategies related to telemedicine services in your country?  
3. Are you aware of any cross-border telemedicine initiatives, projects or pilots within the EU? If so, please provide details.
4. Can you share any best practices or insights on validation and reimbursement strategies for cross-border telemedicine in your country?
5. What are the main legal and regulatory barriers to implementing telemedicine across EU countries based on your experience? Please elaborate.
6. Would you like to add any additional comments or insights related to cross-border telemedicine services within the EU?
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