Photo Release
I grant the right to use photographs of me and my child/children taken at Collaboration Nation events to its affiliated brands for use in social media, as well as Collaboration Nation platforms used to communicate with its members.

I specifically consent to the digital compositing or distortion of the portraits or pictures. I waive any right that the minor(s) or I may have to inspect or approve any finished content. I waive the right to any compensation for use of images within social media platforms. I hereby warrant that I am a legal competent adult and a parent or legally appointed guardian of the minor(s), and that I have every right to contract for the minor(s) listed below. This release shall be binding upon the minor and me, and our respective heirs, legal representatives, and assigns.
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Agreement *
Names of Minors *
Please list all children (First and Last Name)
Signature *
Please enter your full name (First and Last Name) to digitally sign this agreement.
Instagram Handle Associated with Account *
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