World Brain Scholar - Eliza: Feedback Form

We value your feedback! Please use this form to share your experiences, provide suggestions, or report any issues you encounter while using Eliza. Your input is crucial in helping us improve and refine our AI-powered peer reviewing system.

Feel free to fill out only the fields that pertain to your feedback.

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Full name *
Email address *
Provide the email address you use to access Eliza.
Overall experience
Rate your overall experience with Eliza.
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Functionality and usability
Rate the functionality and usability of the platform.
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Which features did you find most useful? Please specify.
Issues encountered
Describe any issues or bugs you encountered while using the platform. Please provide as much detail as possible.
Suggestions for improvement
Share any ideas or suggestions you have for improving Eliza.
Additional comments
If you have any additional comments or feedback, please let us know here.
Privacy Notice
Your feedback will be used to improve Eliza. It will not be shared with third parties. By submitting this form, you agree to receive follow-up (non-marketing) communications regarding your feedback.

Thank you for helping us enhance Eliza! We appreciate your input and support.
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