NCSLMA Call to Advocacy - Cardigan Crusaders Unite!
This form is COMPLETELY anonymous. There is an optional space to put your email so we can contact you to get more information or to reach out to you if you are interested in helping. Please do not use your work email address. Use only your personal email. 
We can't know how to help if we don't know that we need to. 
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If you are experiencing or heard about cuts that are happening to school librarians jobs in your district, let us know what district you are in. 
If you are experiencing or heard about cuts that are happening to school librarian jobs in your district and you would like us to contact you to get more information and to keep you up to date with what we are doing, let us know your personal email address.
If you are ready to help your fellow school librarians, let us know what district you are in so we can know to count on support. 
If you are ready to help your fellow school librarians, let us know your personal email address so we can reach out and let you know when and where we are planning to show up. 
Anything else we need to know?
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This form was created inside of North Carolina School Library Media Association.

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