LRS LARP assistance request form
Thank you for your interest in running a sponsored event! In order for an event to be sponsored, participants must abide by the LRS Code of Conduct, and the event must be open to members of the LRS in addition to any other groups from which you wish to recruit players. Please enter information about your LARP below so that our GM Coordinators know what kind of assistance you are looking for. You are also welcome to email us at
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What is your name? Do you have any co-GMs? If so, please name them too. *
What is your LARP called? *
If it doesn't have a name yet, that's okay, just put TBD.
How many players is your LARP written for?  *
If it can support a range of player counts, please include the full range.
What are your LARP's space requirements? Or if you don't need help finding a venue (e.g. you are running the game at a convention or already have a venue), please state that here. *
Please be specific - e.g. 2 large rooms and one small, need a table and chairs to seat all players, designed to be run outside, designed to be run online, etc.
Are there any props you would like to borrow from the LRS?
We don't have a comprehensive list of items that are available, but if you tell us what you need, we may be able to help.
Do you have a particular date or range of dates in mind for when you want to run your game? If so, please let us know here. *
Due to limited board resources, we can't guarantee we'll be able to accommodate a given date. If we are unable to accommodate the date you want, you are still very welcome to run the game as an unsponsored event and advertise it to the list.
Is your game finished, or still being written? If it is still being written, would you like a Zampolit to assist? *
A Zampolit is an advisor and project manager who helps LARP writers plan and track their progress and objectives. We can't guarantee we'll be able to provide a Zampolit, but if you want one, we'll see what we can do.
(Optional) Please provide a brief blurb or description of your LARP.
Is there anything else you would like us to know? If you have any questions for our GM coordinators, please write them here.
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