Sports Team Sign-Up - 21March 19
330 Squadron Sports team is having its 1st Sports Team Practice 21 March 19. Additional practices are scheduled for 04 April1 9 and 10 April 19. This is in preparation for the April 14th competition.

All cadets are encourage to attend! Each practice serves as a tryout for the official 330 Sports Team that will participate in the invitational competition on April 14. In order to be considered for the team, cadets must attend all three practices.

OIC: CI Ramkissoon

NCOIC: Sgt Teferi

TIMINGS: 1815h - 2115h


PRACTICE 1 - Thursday, 21 March 19 ,  and 10
R H McGregor Elementary School, 555 Mortimer Ave, East York

PRACTICE 2 - Thursday, 04 April 19
R H McGregor Elementary School School, 555 Mortimer Ave, East York

PRACTICE 3 - Wednesday, 10 April 19
LHQ - Danforth Tech - Sports Night

DRESS: Appropriate sports attire.

NOTES: Must have your health card and a bottle of water.
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