Muslim Media Toolkit: Questions for Newsrooms/Journalists
The Reynolds Journalism Institute is creating a toolkit for journalists to better cover Muslims and Islam in the media.

The majority of media coverage on Islam and Muslims has been overwhelmingly reactionary, related to violence and public policy. Knowing this, we want to give newsrooms the tools to fairly and effectively represent the Muslim population in your daily coverage as a part of your communities.

We would like to hear from newsrooms and journalists to further understand what features would make this toolkit most useful to you in your work.
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Have you seen Muslims being used as sources in everyday stories (features, businesses, events etc) in publications/organizations you have contributed to? 


Do you cover Muslim communities? Or have you covered Muslim communities/issues in the past?


If you have not, how comfortable do you feel covering Muslim communities?

Very uncomfortable
Very comfortable
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What knowledge or information would make you feel more comfortable to include Muslim communities in your daily work?
Which aspects of covering Islam do find uncomfortable and/or struggle with?

Which topics within Islam or concerning Muslims are you curious/want to learn more about? Or if you regularly cover Muslim issues, which topics do you want to see covered more often in the media?


Do you find trouble identifying bias when it comes to coverage of Islam? If so, what do you think could help make this easier?


Do you have trouble finding sources to authentically cover Muslim communities? Or if you regularly cover the communities, where do you find your sources?

Is there anything else you would like to add, or specific information you would like included in this toolkit? *
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