Poetry Out Loud | School Registration
Register or share your interest today for the 2021-2022 school year by completing this form. This allows your school to access visiting artist workshops, receive timely information, and to participate in statewide events. Participation is free and early registration does not bind you to future commitments, but helps keep us be connected in a challenging year.

POL has identified dates for in-person events in March, but acknowledges the very real potential need to pivot to virtual events. Your registration will ensure you receive newsletters and important updates.

To support teachers and students, Vermont POL will provide virtual town hall meetings, virtual classroom visits around writing and recitation, and a host of online resources from Poetry Out Loud and Vermont teaching artists.

More information can be found at: https://www.vermontartscouncil.org/programs/poetry-out-loud 

Thank you!
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School name: *
I am new to Poetry Out Loud:
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Poetry Out Loud (POL) lead teacher: *
Lead teacher's department: *
Lead teacher email: *
Secondary POL teacher (if applicable):
Secondary teacher's email:
Number of classroom teachers involved: *
Approximate number of students engaging with POL in the classroom/club: *
School participation: *
Our school would like to schedule a Poetry Recitation  Workshop (select all that apply):
Our school would like to schedule a Poetry Exploration and Writing Workshop  (select all that apply):
Share any challenges or questions that you may have about participating in Poetry Out Loud this year.
How do you see POL supporting your students this year? (select all that apply) *
Vermont POL is looking to highlight students  during the school year. We hope to interview students and to document their process and to hear about their connections to poets, poems, and poetry recitation. Would you be interested in nominating a student to participate?
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*Photo credit: Peter Weyrauch
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