I / we agree that:
  • Streets are the lifeblood of our communities and the foundation of our urban economies.
  • The health and safety of all people is paramount.
  • People in all segments of our community, regardless of age, ability, income, background, and identity, need safe, practical, and attractive ways to get around.
  • Different people for different trips need to walk, bike, use a mobility assistive device, ride the bus, or drive, as there is no one-size-fits-all way to travel.
  • Businesses require access for their customers, suppliers, and workers.
  • Public officials have an obligation to serve the needs of the people and businesses they represent.
I / we call on our public officials to:
  • Identify the intended users and functions of each major street.
  • Confirm with those intended users and functions that the street is safe, practical, and attractive.
  • Confirm with other users and functions that there are alternatives to the major street, for example, a neighborhood street for people biking.
I / we pledge to look for ways to support better streets for everyone, for example, by:
  • Sharing with others information about the Better Streets for People and Businesses campaign.
  • Learning more through a public event such as a presentation or walk audit.
  • Submitting a letter to the editor underscoring the need for better streets.
  • Reviewing a proposed plan to make a street better.
  • Urging public officials to approve a plan for a better street.
  • Donating money to support the Better Streets for People and Businesses campaign.
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Email *
Publish name? *
Do you authorize Better Eugene-Springfield Transportation (BEST) to share your name — but not contact or other personal information — with public officials, etc.?
Individual name?
What is your full individual name?
Individual or business/organization? *
Are you signing the pledge as an individual, on behalf of a business/organization, or both?
Business/organization: name?
If signing on behalf of a business/organization, what is its name?
Business/organization: your title?
If signing on behalf of a business/organization, what is your title?
Business/organization: products or services?
If signing on behalf of a business/organization, what products or services does it provide?
Streets of interest?
Which major streets in Eugene and Springfield interest you the most? (check all that apply)
Comments about streets?
Please share any personal reasons or experiences for supporting better streets for everyone.
Other comments?
Anything else you want to share, for example, about the Better Streets for People and Businesses campaign or about Better Eugene-Springfield Transportation (BEST)?
Demographic Questions
Some of our funders request that we ask for demographic information. All of these demographic questions are optional and all of your responses will be kept confidential.
What do you do for a living? Are you a student? Are you retired?
Residential zip code?
In which zip code do you live?
How old are you?
Clear selection
With what gender do you identify?
Clear selection
Race or ethnicity?
With what race or ethnicity do you identify? (check all that apply)
If you have a disability or other chronic condition that affects your ability to get around, please specify.
By clicking "Submit," I / we pledge to look for ways to support better streets for everyone.

I understand that BEST will use my email address to provide occasional updates, but that I can opt out at any time.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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